C’est un vin avec une belle expression aromatique avec un fruit avenant, une touche florale, fleurs blanches. La bouche est ample et minérale un peu fumée. Le vin est finement enrobé par la macération pelliculaire et le bois souligne bien le fruit sans le dominer. La bouche se montre ample tout en gardant la trame pure de l’alvarinho. C’est un vin sérieux avec un potentiel de garde de 15 ans.
Informations techniques
Région : Vinho Verde
Appelation : DOC Vinho Verde, sous-région de Monçao & Melgaço
Cépage : Alvarinho
Millésime : 2016
Distinction :
94 / 100 R. Parker - Wine Advocate
"The 2016 Curtimenta is all Alvarinho aged for nine months in used French oak. It comes in at 13% alcohol. Sourced from 20+-year-old vines, this is made with fermentation on skins, resulting in more color and more tannins. The oak seems almost irrelevant here, as the structure of the wine and its concentration overwhelm and counter the wood. That's not to say there is no oak impact, but it is impeccably balanced. Then, as the winery suggests, it finishes with a bit of tannic pop. There is remarkable grip on the finish, good acidity and that tannic pop. The next day (when it seemed 50% better than on the first day tasted), this was tight, focused and intense, perhaps the best Curtimenta yet. It's very fresh, the fruit lifted and focused, despite the wood, and it is the acidity that seals the deal for this wine. It simply slices and dices the wood into splinters after it's open for a day. In 2015, its high-end sibling Parcela Única was the bigger star, if only by a bit. This year, it's pretty even, but the styles are radically different. This has greater purity and intensity, while its sibling has a lusher, richer feel. Curtimenta handles the wood far better (it usually does when young, and it receives less aggressive wood treatment), at least now. Whenever I thought the wood was becoming assertive, the acidity and fruit came right back up. The Parcela Única may be even deeper and more like a white Burgundy than a Vinho Verde. Choices, choices. Buy both! In time, the balance of both may change for the better as they pull in the wood even more. That's not as important with the Curtimenta, given less wood impact, but even the Curtimenta could benefit from a year in the cellar. Needless to say, they should age rather well (although Parcela Única edged into the lead on the third day after opening, making me doubt again which was better). It's a very different vision of Vinho Verde, showing what the region can do when its top producers perform at the top of their game."
Température de service
10 - 12 °C °
Durée de garde
Plus de 10 ans
Rendement : 5 Tonnes / Ha
Culture : Conventionnelle
Irrigation : Non
Alcool : 12.50 %
Acidité : 6.9 g/l
Sucre résiduel : < 3 g/l
Vinification : Vendanges manuelles, levures indigènes. Egrappage, macération sur peaux pendant 48h. Fermentation en barriques de 400l.
Elevage : 9 moins en barriques avec bâtonnage régulier. Plus 12 mois en bouteille. Vin collé et filtré.
Anselmo Mendes
Anselmo Mendes
C’est en 1987 qu’ Anselmo Mendes commence à cultiver le cépage alvarinho et en 1988, il produit son premier vin, Muros de Melgaço, un 100% alvarinho.
La viticulture au Portugal a été introduite au cours de l’Antiquité par les marchands phéniciens, carthaginois, grecs et romains. Ses différents terroirs, dans leurs traditions vitivinicoles et leur encépagement, reflètent ces influences.